Chrissy Silva | Squarespace Website Design

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10 Lead magnet ideas to grow your mailing list

If you’re reading this, you probably already know from my previous blog post that lead magnets are the (not-so-secret) way to get more subscribers to sign up to your mailing list faster.

Lead magnets provide something of value to your audience that solves a quick problem for them - something they’ll gladly hand over their email address for! They are an essential part of your email marketing strategy that boost conversions by over 30%.

But the big question in your head is…

What kind of lead magnet is best for your business?

This is such a great question, because there are dozens of types of lead magnets that you can create - and the choices can feel overwhelming! Some lead magnets are better suited to specific industries, types of offerings, or stages of business.

That’s why I’ve curated the 10 best types of lead magnets you should be using for your business. This list will inspire you with ten ideas to create lead magnets that will work hard for you, and become an asset your subscribers can’t wait to snap up!

In this post, you’re going to take away:

  • 10 lead magnet ideas for your business

  • Examples of how to use each lead magnet

  • My favorite tools to create each lead magnet that look fab

After reading this post, you’ll feel pumped with lead magnet ideas that you can start implementing in your woman-owned business. You’ll also feel prepared and educated about how to get started creating these lead magnets so you can work them into your email marketing strategy, like now.

I help female founders launch successful businesses with websites that give them the confidence to become an authority in their field. No more feeling confused or discouraged about how to build an email list that converts. Let’s dive in.

  1. Quizzes

One of my faves! A quiz is one of the highest converting lead magnets. Why? Because people love taking them, especially personality quizzes. Quizzes are fun to take, light, and easily digestible. There is so much anticipation about finding out the answers that you audience can’t wait to hand over their email so they can find out!

Quiz lead magnet examples for female founders:

  • What colour palette is best for your personality type?

  • How close are you to burnout?

  • What superfood is your body craving?

  • What’s your super power?

2 . Freebie E-Book/PDF Download

Downloads are a great lead magnet option for service based providers. As an expert in your field, you are an educator. You’re teaching your community about how to live their best lives so that they can feel better. E-books are great for lead magnet conversion because they teach your audience more about what you do. The trick is to make sure the info you’re providing is something they need to know that they can’t quickly google themselves!

Freebie download examples are:

  • An audio file: share some of your top tips for achieving [your ideal client’s desired outcome]

  • A Services Guide: an introduction to your offers [what it is that you do / who for / and why]

  • A How-To PDF: give your audience a step-by-step process showing them how to do something they desperately need to learn FAST.

3. Challenge

A challenge is when you invite your audience to join you in practicing a task everyday over a fixed period of time. This is a great option for more established businesses with a larger following. A challenge is great to promote on social media where your audience can engage together over the results!

4. Checklist

Create a checklist to help your audience find more clarity about how to how to prepare for something or do something correctly. A checklist is one of the simplest, but also one of the most powerful lead magnets, because people love the feeling of accomplishment by ticking things off their list!

5. Tutorial

A tutorial is a video where you show your audience how to do something they deeply wish they knew how to do themselves. Tutorials are great if your audience prefers visual content, or if you have something to teach that is easier to show rather than explain.

6. Webinar

Webinars are a great lead magnet option to help you build an audience who wants to learn more about what you do. This is a great way to warm up a large number of people to your services, and give them all of the info they need to know about what you do and how to book with you. Webinars also position you as a leader or an expert in your industry because they are showing off your leadership and educator skills in action.

A few webinar lead magnet ideas are:

  • Teach your audience the pillars of your business (what’s it built on and why is it important to your audience)

  • How to get from A to B: teach your audience about the transformation they’ll get after working with you

  • How to tell if they’re ready to start working with you: Teach them the signs they should look for to know when they’re ready to invest in your services

7. Access to a Resource Library

Tease your audience with an exclusive resource that they can only get if they subscribe to your email list. This is a great opportunity to teach them something they desire to learn or show them how to fix a problem they’re struggling with. Make sure it’s full of juicy and valuable info!

When a new subscriber joins your email list, you can provide them with immediate access to your resource library, enabling you to cement your authority in your niche. Plus, by hosting your resource library on your website, you’ll drive traffic there and increase the number of website page views as subscribers return to access the information.

8. Mini Course

Build a mini-course for subscribers so they can learn how to do something they desperately desire to do in a quick and easy-to-digest course. A mini course is a great lead magnet option that builds trust in your brand and positions you as an expert in what you do.

9. Roadmap

Create a roadmap to show your audience how to get from point A (where they are now with the problem they are struggling with) to point B (their desired outcome). A roadmap can be laid out as a list, a linear timeline, or a slideshow with a step shown on each page. A roadmap help yours audience visualise how they can find a solution to their problem, and they’re seeing you as the one who can get them there.

10. Discount

Launching your business or a new offer soon? Ask for audience to sign up for an introductory rate for a limited period of time.

Discount ideas:

  • Get a % off bundles or packages

  • Offer a 2 for 1 discount

  • Offer value instead - add a free add-on to their first purchase

Lead magnets are essential to developing a high converting email list. They are the first piece of the funnels that grabs your subscribers attention and makes them join your list. A lead magnet also gives you the opportunity to show your audience how valuable you can be to them and gives them a taste of what it could be like to work with you.

Now that you feel totally inspired by these ten lead magnet ideas for business, I hope you can’t wait to get started on your creating yours!

A few of my favorite tools that help me create gorgeous lead magnets in my business are:

  • Canva: free templates for creating stunning PDFs, guides and mock-ups

  • Thrivecart Learn: the easiest and most cost efficient tool for building courses*

  • for quiz creation

*Full transparency - the asterix marks an affiliate code. I only recommend tools I genuinely use and love so I do get a tiny payback should you choose to use them too!

Go on, have a crack at creating a lead magnet for your business and let me know how you get on!

See this gallery in the original post

For more design inspiration, follow @CHRISSYSILVAWEBDESIGN