3 pages you need on your website to boost revenue

So, you’ve got your Squarespace website set up with all the basics…now what?

Well, as a final step of ticking off the checklist, here are three additional pages that you probably haven’t thought but definitely should consider adding!

One thing that sets an optimised website apart from a basic one, is its ability to convert potential clients into paying clients.

With these three pages, you’ll keep your audience on your website for longer (which Google loves), have better control and flexibility over their experience, and increase your conversion rates (and therefore income).

So, what are these three pages, Chrissy?



We’ve all been there… you’ve clicked on a dead link and landed on an “oops, this page doesn’t exist” message. What did you do next? You probably left the page and went with the next-best alternative. 😢

So, Squarespace does have a default (but somewhat ugly) 404 page that guides website visitors back to the homepage but rather than relying on that, it's much more helpful for you to create a prettier, branded custom 404 page that actually gives them what they’re looking for!

By having a custom 404 page with an eye-catching heading and image, buttons leading to your offers, a search bar, and helpful calls-to-action, you can keep potential clients around for much longer and therefore increase their chances of conversion.

If you’re ready to create your own, here’s a post on how to create a custom 404 page in Squarespace!


As a modern business owner, you probably use a lot of online business tools to run your business - like an accounting app, a booking system, a social media scheduling tool, an email marketing platform, just to name a few.

And if that’s the case, then you definitely need to set up a Resources or Favourite Tools page!

Having a resources page on your website is great way to tell others about all of the products that you genuinely love using, while also making some extra income.

Most of those tools that you love will have affiliate programmes, meaning that you can sign up with them to promote them, and if you make sales through your special affiliate link, then you’ll get a percentage of that sale. Sharing is rewarding!

Now, this shouldn't really be a featured page on your site though, it’s best to link it somewhere discreet like in your footer area, since it's not the main purpose of your site or the main action that you want visitors to take (that would be something like booking your services or packages).

But it’s a win-win. Your visitors and fans will love to know the tools you’re using, and you’re also getting that affiliate income if they decide to sign up to one of those tools.

Want to see an example? See my resources page here (you’ll notice it’s a blog post which Google will rank higher!)


Why send a potential follower from your Instagram "link in bio" to an external source? When you can link them directly to a customised page on your own website instead!

When you realise that you can cut out the middle man and create a completely custom Instagram links page on your website, why would you link to something else, right?

Creating your own Instagram links page is not only going to mean complete freedom of design that reflects your own branding, but it also means that you don't have to rely on (or pay for) any third-party apps! It's savvy yet so simple.

Having a handy “link in bio” page that is actually on your own website will drastically increase the chances of your website visitor staying on your website and exploring the services or products that you’re offering.

A custom Instagram links page gives you much more flexibility and control over not just the design of the page, but also the customer experience on it.

For instructions on how to create an Instagram links page on your own Squarespace website, read this blog post!

PS: My Squarespace Templates have all these pages - and more!

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Chrissy Silva

Chrissy Silva is a Squarespace designer and registered practicing Reflexologist based in the Cotswolds. She supports joy-driven female founders with stunningly strategic websites that help attract best-fit clients.


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How to Create a Custom 404 Page in Squarespace - and why