7 things you need to know before starting a website

As you can imagine, I very often get asked where to start and what to consider when building a website - which i’m always super grateful for! Because starting a website without any prep is a recipe for disaster. Take it from me – you’ll save yourself (or your designer) a lot of hassle by doing some simple homework before committing.

If you want the process to go smoothly and get an awesome website at the end of it, here are 7 essential things to consider. Let’s dive in.


1. The End Goal

This might sound obvious, but you need to have a clear objective for your website. Why do you need it and what’s your main call-to-action? Is it to create an online presence for your business? Is it to showcase your expertise via a blog or portfolio? Are you selling courses/memberships? Or just somewhere simple for people to book a call with you?

Without a clear objective, it’s almost impossible to get started (not to mention a really confusing user journey) A bit like hiring someone without giving them a role spec and expecting them to do a good job!

2. Find examples

If you’re not the creative type and struggle to visualise, then start with your competitors. Look up the websites of those who show up in the first page of a google search of other experts in your field or the ones you like the look/feel of. Not only will this help to narrow down your website’s objective, but will give you (or your designer) an idea of what kind of style, design and user journey you want to achieve for your own website.

3. Website Copy + Domain Name

This is arguably the most important factor for a quick 2 week turnaround. You may already have a domain and website copy – that’s fine, it’s easy enough to carry over. But with no domain name and no content AT ALL, then it’s just an empty website with no address.

Whether you write the content yourself or get a copywriter to write it for you, the content helps to create a sitemap (a map of where everything goes on your website), which is the foundation of any website. Keep it succinct and use language your ideal clients understand, including the magical keywords they will be typing into Google to find you (yep SEO - more on that here)

3. Branding

Without branding, your website has no identity. Even if your site is intended for personal use, there still needs to be an element of branding – and no you don’t need a swanky logo to launch! Branding is how you view your business and how you do it differently from everyone else. It’s about how an audience connects with your company on multiple levels. It’s your what, your how, and your why.

4. Colour scheme

Your colour scheme may coincide with your branding, or maybe you have a clear vision of what your website will look like. Colours aren’t necessarily the be-all and end-all, but it definitely helps to know the “feel” you’re going for from the outset. I get that picking colours to use on your website sounds daunting (there are SO. MANY. COLOURS) but if you follow this easy exercise you’ll create your own palette that will reflect both you and your ideal client.

5. Imagery

Visuals are everything. When was the last time you visited a (good) website without any images? I bet it’s NEVER. Images of products, your local area, your team members, your premises, images of EVERYTHING relevant to your business are useful. The more personable, the better. Sure, if you haven’t got any I can source some high quality stock images but professional photography is the best investment ever especially if you want to be known as the go-to authority in your field. It’s also best to keep your images fresh, so if you’re revamping an old website I recommend getting new photos taken. It’ll be worth it, trust me!

6. Deadline

Nothing gets you more motivated than a deadline. If you have a strict launch date then be sure to clear your diary for the two weeks prior and prepare to work! No matter how organised you are, some website projects run over for many reasons (life happens). DO NOT ask your mate/partner/mum/cat to have a look and give their opinion. They’re very likely to not be your dream client and so not who the site is for. You’re better off asking your coach or your peers. Or if you’ve been in business for some time and want to refresh your site, then ask some of your best clients who can give you honest feedback.

7. Budget

It’s very wise to know roughly how much you’re willing to invest in your website before you design one or hire a designer. Don’t forget to factor in ongoing costs such as hosting, maintenance, domain name, etc. Website design is often a case of ‘you get what you pay for’. Keep in mind that you’re not simply paying for a website - you’re paying for the designer’s time, expertise, speed and contacts (such as copywriters, graphic designers, ads experts etc)


Remember how I said you should think of your website as a new team hire? Well, this team player will work for you 24/7, with no holiday pay, time off or performance issues – IF you invest in it properly.

That said, there are website designers for all budgets, so do shop around to find someone who suits your pocket - most offer free consultations so after a chat you’ll soon know which you feel most aligned with.

So these are the 7 crucial questions I ask during every consultation call when anyone approaches me to design their website but there are many more. 

It’s imperative I know all about you, your business and your dream clients so that I can ensure your website speaks to them and, ultimately, converts into sales for you.

Fancy DIY’ing your own website but not creative/techy?

If you’re in need of a website but feeling over your head with it, did you know you can buy one of my pre-designed customisable website templates? No more DIY despair staring at a blank page for weeks! 😏

They include free access to my tutorial videos that show you how to customise your template, master Squarespace and covers topics such as SEO and getting on Google.

Simply swap out your images, add your text and colours and you’re ready to launch in a jiffy!

Love a template but don’t want to customise it yourself? Apply for a Design Day service where you can hire me to do the transformational work for you. Existing customers get 10% off.

Chrissy Silva

Chrissy Silva is a Squarespace designer and registered practicing Reflexologist based in the Cotswolds. She supports joy-driven female founders with stunningly strategic websites that help attract best-fit clients.


3 pages you need on your website to boost revenue