How to Move From Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1

Since Squarespace’s release of its latest platform in 2020, many existing users have asked, “How do I move from Squarespace 7.0 to Squarespace 7.1?” Because 7.1 is a new version of the same user-friendly platform, you’d think there would be a simple solution to making the switch.

Unfortunately, not. Switching between 7.0 and 7.1 is much like switching platforms altogether; a largely manual process.

However, it is possible. I moved my website from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1 two years ago and while it wasn’t as simple as clicking a button, I was able to find a streamlined, methodical way to make the switch. The following post will outline the steps I took in case you’re thinking of making the move too.


Do I need to move from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1?

Not necessarily! I only recommend switching from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1 on a case-by-case basis. 

Generally, if you have a well-designed, well-performing website on 7.0 and have strong SEO (eg: high website traffic / ranking well on Google) and not planning on making major structural or design changes anytime soon, then there’s no need to switch. That’s because 7.0 is still a great platform!

The difference between the two platforms only exists at the website owner’s end. Meaning 7.1 is no better in terms of your visitors’ experience BUT, do note that Squarespace will focus on fixing and rolling out new features on 7.1 first before you start seeing them on 7.0 (depending on the original 7.0 template family you’re using)

NOTE: If you have a Squarespace Email Campaigns subscription or a Scheduling subscription you won’t be able to transfer these from 7.0 over to 7.1.

Getting Started: The Prep

Moving a website is similar to moving house. You have to pack everything, label it up, move to a new location, then redirect your post.

Just as moving to a new home can feel chaotic and stressful, so can moving websites. Hopefully this post will help make it a little easier.

Step One: Take stock of your existing content

Before moving anything, do a quick inventory of your content. To ensure everything transfers seamlessly, it’s important to know what you’re starting with.

Before I moved my 7.0 website to 7.1, I made a list of all of my page URLs, title tags, and meta descriptions in order to prevent SEO disruptions. I also made sure I had all my original website image files saved.


Google and other search engines keep an inventory of your website’s pages and their content. This is called a sitemap. Keeping Google updated on your website’s pages and content is a key part of continuing to show up in the right search results.

When you move your domain, there’s a risk of your SEO taking a dip, especially if your sitemap changes and you don’t tell Google about it.

The best way to protect your SEO? Make sure the new website’s structure, content, and SEO info (title tags, meta descriptions) matches the old one.

Want to make changes when moving to 7.1? If you want to add new pages, change page names, or change your structure entirely, you’ll need to use URL 301 redirects (more on this later).

I structured a slightly different sitemap plus new pages when I moved from 7.0 to 7.1, and I managed to maintain my SEO without it suffering too much, so don’t worry if you want to make structural or content changes. It’s totally possible to maintain SEO after a website transfer, you just have to take the right steps - that’s what this post is for!


  1. Create a spreadsheet with the following columns: Page Title, Navigation Title, Page URL, Page Description (or Meta Description)

  2. On your 7.0 website, navigate to Pages.

  3. Open the settings of each page to get the above information and fill in your spreadsheet.

  4. If you plan on changing any of your pages’ URLs, add another column to your spreadsheet to note which pages will need a URL redirect.

Step Two: Start a new website on Squarespace 7.1

Before you can pack up your 7.0 website, you’ll first need to set up your 7.1 website.

Whether you start with one of my professionally designed Squarespace templates or you start with Squarespace’s default generic templates, the first step in making the switch is starting a new 7.1 trial site.


  1. Shop my website templates here.

  2. Choose your favourite design and complete your purchase.

  3. Within two business days, i’ll install your pre-built, pre-designed 7.1 website in your Squarespace account. 

    • Once installation is complete, you’ll see two websites in your Squarespace dashboard: your existing 7.0 site and your new 7.1 site.

  4. Your six month free trial begins. 

    • My templates include a 6-month free trial, so you can take your time customising it before going ahead with the move while your existing 7.0 website remains live and intact.


  1. Log in to your Squarespace dashboard.

  2. Click the “Create Website” button.

  3. Choose a default template to get started.

  4. Your standard 14-day free trial begins.

Step Three: Transfer your content

Once your new 7.1 trial site has started and you know which pages will be moving, you can start transferring your content. Keep in mind that your existing website will stay live as long as your domain is connected there; meaning, your website visitors will continue to see your existing website while you work on the move behind the scenes. If you really hate your existing website, you could set a password (in Squarespace head to Settings > Permissions) and customise the Lock Screen (Design > Lock Screen) on the 7.1 trial site to continue getting enquiries.

Option 1: Manual Transfer

To manually transfer your content from your 7.0 website to the 7.1 trial site, copy and paste your content, page by page, until your content is transferred. 

Keep in mind that you can’t manually copy/paste images or graphic icons from one site to another, so you’ll have to re-upload those to the new 7.1 site.

If you have more than 5-6 pages on your 7.0 site (plus any blog posts and/or shop products) then be warned this method will take some lengthy work! If you have a large 7.0 site and a busy holistic therapy practice, then I don’t recommend transferring your content manually for this reason.

Option 2: Assisted Transfer

To automate my content transfer from 7.0 to 7.1, I used a Chrome extension called SquareWebsites Tools Extension PRO. Admittedly, it’s a little pricey and fiddly to figure out, but it was crucial in helping me transfer content quickly and thoroughly.

  1. Download the extension here.

  2. Make sure “Extended Editor” is enabled when transferring pages from 7.0 to 7.1, as described here.

  3. In your 7.0 Pages panel, hover over the page you want to copy and click “Get Collection Data”

  4. Go to your 7.1 site, click on the Chrome extension, and click “Create From Data”

Note: Certain blocks will not transfer from 7.0 to 7.1, so you may notice minor discrepancies between your page content after the transfer is complete.

This extension is the best way I’ve found to automatically transfer content between Squarespace websites. If you have an extensive blog catalog, it’s absolutely crucial.

Manually recreating blog posts would likely take weeks; but with this extension, it takes minutes!

Step Three: Finalise the new website

Once your content is transferred over to the new 7.1 website, you can work on finalising and preparing for the domain transfer.

This is when you can format and design your page layouts so that the content you just transferred looks slick. You’ll want to click through your website to make sure everything is looking and behaving the way you want.

Here’s a checklist to help you along:


  • Organise page content

  • Set your site styles (fonts, colors, buttons, animations)

  • Double-check page URLs (use spreadsheet)

  • Review content on all pages

  • Review SEO page descriptions

  • Click all links and buttons. Fix broken links

  • Create URL redirects (see below)

Step Four: Create URL redirects

If some of your page URLs have changed, you’ll want to create 301 URL redirects. URL redirects will automatically redirect users when they click on an old link that leads to a discontinued page, preventing a 404 error page.

This is a crucial step to maintaining a smooth and pleasant experience for your website visitors. It’s also super important for maintaining SEO, because Google doesn’t like sites with broken links.

To learn how to create URL redirects in Squarespace, read this guide.

Step Five: Manage your Squarespace subscriptions

It’s not possible to transfer a billing plan to a new Squarespace site, so you’ll need to start a new subscription on your 7.1 website. I recommend the following steps:

First: Change your 7.0 subscription to monthly billing

In your 7.0 website, navigate to Settings > Billing > Subscriptions. Click on “Website” to view your subscription details. If you pay annually, change your billing to monthly. 

This will automatically issue a refund for the remainder of your annual subscription and save you the effort of reaching out to Squarespace to request a refund.

Second: Upgrade your 7.1 trial site to a paid plan

Head back to your Squarespace dashboard and go into your 7.1 site. Navigate to Settings > Billing > Subscriptions. Upgrade your trial site to a paid plan.

Step Six: Transfer your domain & email

Once your 7.1 site is on a paid subscription, you can transfer your domain from one site to the other. If you purchased a custom Google Workspace email address through your 7.0 site, that will transfer with your domain automatically.

Follow this guide to transfer your domain from 7.0 to 7.1.

After your domain transfer is complete, your new 7.1 website will be live and visible to the public! This is why it’s important to finalise your website and redirect your old URLs before transferring your domain.

To reduce possible glitches for your site visitors, make sure your 7.1 site is completely finished before transferring your domain.

Step Seven: Audit your website

After transferring your domain, make sure everything is working correctly by clicking through your website as if you were a visitor.

  1. Open an Incognito Window in a web browser (in Chrome: File > New Incognito Window).

  2. Type your website URL into the search bar.

  3. Click through every page of your website to check for broken links or errors. Make sure your URL redirects are working.

  4. Correct any errors.

Step Eight: Cancel your 7.0 subscription

When you’re ready, and fully happy with your 7.1 site, you can cancel your 7.0 site’s subscription.

Again, there’s no way to transfer an existing Squarespace subscription, which is why you started a new subscription in step six. Don’t forget to go back to your 7.0 site and cancel your subscription so that you’re not paying for two websites unnecessarily.

Need help moving from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1?

If the prospect of moving your Squarespace 7.0 site to 7.1 on your own brings you out in a cold sweat, you’re not alone! Website transfers are a precarious process, but they can be done well with the right support by outsourcing it to an expert - aka me!

My Design Day is the quickest way to get on to Squarespace 7.1 whilst getting a new design at the same time! Want to keep your current colours and fonts? No problem - i’ll customise the template to match your existing branding as well as transferring all your content.

Chrissy Silva

Chrissy Silva is a Squarespace designer and registered practicing Reflexologist based in the Cotswolds. She supports joy-driven female founders with stunningly strategic websites that help attract best-fit clients.

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